16 Jun Sustainability: Bye-You Bug
Note: This post was written by the founders of Yutumi.

Yutumi bye-you bug products.
Sarah Plunkett and Ryan McDonner, owners of Yutumi (You-to-me) have launched a new bug spray that will change your idea of how you apply and think about traditional DEET Free repellents. Many bug sprays seen on the market utilize traditional essential oils such as citronella, lemongrass, geranium, etc. Not only do these essential oils smell like bug spray, they feel like bug spray too. These products tend to leave your skin oily and greasy. BYE-YOU BUG® was formulated to be the exact opposite of what you normally buy and use. It is non-greasy due to the main ingredients being pure vanilla extract (which is alcohol based) as well as soybean oil, citric acid (lemon juice), vegetable glycerin, and one essential oil that forms each unique scent. Therefore, you feel dry after spraying and rubbing it in to your skin. It smells aromatic because it uses vanilla as its base. As a result, our formula is the only formula on the market that allows us to customize scents based on an individuals needs and preferences. The formulation is comprised of food-based ingredients that are great for those who have sensitive skin and are worried about what they put on their body. It is safe to use on pets, kids, and adults. For those looking to enjoy the outdoors without smelling or feeling like they put on bug spray and eliminating toxins from their products and the environment, BYE-YOU BUG® is a great alternative. SPRAY MORE, SWAT LESS, SMELL GOOD!
Who wants it?
BYE-YOU BUG® can also be used as a cover scent/lure for outdoorsmen and hunters, as well. Vanilla extract has been used as a lure for hunters for years, and we offer up to six scents to accommodate an individual’s preference and/or geographic location. We offer vanilla and lavender, vanilla and cedar, vanilla and cypress, vanilla and pine, vanilla and birch, and vanilla and birch tar. We can even customize specific scents.
What causes does Yutumi support?
We also commit our company to backing charities and community outreach. Yutumi wanted BYE-YOU BUG® to not only be another all-natural mosquito deterrent and cover scent, but also send a message to our customers as to the importance of wearing a protectant to ensure our health by raising awareness for malaria and other mosquito-borne illnesses around the world. Teaming up with Nothing But Nets and United Special Sportsmen Alliance has been a positive experience through and through. Every quarter, Yutumi donates a portion of its profits as well as direct donations from our customers to Nothing But Nets and USSA.

Ryan and Sarah, the co-founders of Yutumi.
Yutumi was initially founded as an upcycling company in 2012 in Houston, Texas. Almost instantly, we realized there was a missing link between common knowledge and existing natural products. Individual claims of the effectiveness of all-natural ingredients were largely inconclusive and unsubstantiated in the eyes of the scientific community. It has become our goal to amend the status quo through our own creativity, research, and testing. We strive to apply this method to all of our products whether they are old philosophies made anew or newly innovated concepts. We feel that our success should be shared globally for the benefit of those who need it most. All of our products are intended to raise awareness and support for social issues related to that specific product’s purpose. Let’s make our world a more sustainable place one ingredient at a time. For more information on Yutumi visit our website at www.byeyoubug.com.
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